General Questions
What is Bible Quiz?
- Bible Quiz is a tool for student discipleship. It helps students study scripture, compete with other groups based on their level of study, and build community with other learners.
- Junior Bible Quiz is a division of PF Bible Quiz meant for students in grades Kindergaten through 6th.
- Teen Bible Quiz is a division of PF Bible Quiz ministry meant for students in grades 6th through 12th.
- Each year, thousands of students nationwide go deeper into God’s Word. The goal is threefold: Learn. Live. Lead. As students learn God’s Word, they become more passionate about God, give more to missions, and impact their schools, churches, and communities.
What JBQ leagues are available?
What TBQ leagues available?
We offer three competition leagues: Championship, Contender, and XP5. You choose the division in which you and your students want to compete. We encourage you to aim high, but higher levels will require a more demanding schedule and commitment.
XP5 is a great place for those students beginning in Teen divisions, or for those students already committed to many other activities.
Each XP5 competition is non-cumulative, meaning it stands on its own and results are not carried over from one month to the next. Each XP5 competition covers one chapter of Scripture. There are 10 Middle School Study Questions in each set. These are found on the Basic 5 CD. There are 2 Application Question in each set, also found on the Basic 5 CD. This means that students can already know 12 questions out of every 20-question match before they ever hear them in competition.
The other unique feature of XP5 is that the first 12 questions in every match are toss-up questions. This is how that works: Before the match, a coin is tossed-up. The winner of the toss chooses to go first or second. The first team will be asked all the odd-numbered questions (1,3,5,7,9,11). The second team will be asked all the even-numbered questions (2,4,6,8,10,12). Only the first team may answer the odd-numbered questions and only the second team may answer the even-numbered questions, regardless of whether they are answered correctly or incorrectly.
Toss-up questions give students who might be slower on the buzzer an opportunity to answer questions and receive points.
XP5 is open to all middle school and high school students. This division competes through Regional Finals. Since each competition stands on its own, teams can begin competing at any point during the season…even at Regional Finals!
Contender increases the amount of material learned for the student, but also increases the potential reward for each student.
Students competing in Contender are eligible to receive awards for season-long individual scoring and for Contender Quoting Awards.
Contender is open to all middle school and high school students. This division competes through Regional Finals.
Championship competition offers the highest rewards while demanding the most from each student. This league covers the entirety of the material each season.
The greater number of verses requires more time from the student, but also offers more potential benefits. In addition to gaining a full understanding of the books of study, the student is eligible for awards and scholarships not available to students in the other leagues. This league is also eligible to compete all the way to National Finals.
Championship is open to all middle school and high school students. League competition begins in the fall and National Finals concludes the season in July.
What materials do I need to get started?
- The official material for Bible Quiz ? including Scripture portions, practice questions, study guides, and more are available at
- You will also need an electronic quiz set (or two, depending on how many students you involve). We highly recommend the sets from Grass Lake Assembly of God. They are well made and highly affordable.
What age group is Bible Quiz for?
- Junior Bible quiz is for students in grades Kindergarten through 6th.
- Teen Bible quiz is for students in grades 6th through 12th.
- However, coaches, officials and parents can also participate in the National Memory Awards and quiz other adults at National Finals in June and July.
How much does it cost?
- Each students registration fee is $50 for the season. However, there is a $10 discount if registered by September 30th.
- A church sponsoring a Bible Quiz program may charge what they deem appropriate. Typical expenses for families are any travel and lodging expenses related to quizzing events.
- Churches often choose to pay quiz meet registration fees and provide scripture portions for their quizzers.
- Current registration fees can be found on our Registration page.
- Materials, including scripture portions, practice questions, and study guides, can be purchased from
- Each church will also need a quiz box. We recommend the equipment sold by Grass Lake Ministries.
Leader Questions
How will BQ help my kids/youth group? How will it help my church?
Bible Quiz is a tool for discipling students in the study and memorization of God’s Word. Disciples that truly understand God’s Word will be passionate about God, involved in missions both locally in their schools and around the world through AIM and other missions. They will understand the responsibility to love God, then their families and their church. Disciples understand what it means to serve, pray, and give.
The goal of Bible Quiz is to develop students who learn God’s Word, live God’s Word, and lead from the foundation of God’s Word. Having more students like that can help every church, every kids/youth group, every school, every community.
How do I find time for another program?
You don’t need to, because Bible Quiz isn’t a program. It’s a tool for discipleship.
Of course, like any tool, the more time you spend learning how to use it, the more effective it can become.
At its most basic level, Bible Quiz helps encourage students to learn the Word. However, the more skilled craftsmen discover Bible Quiz is a multitool, capable of dramatic impact.
What to expect from students involved in BQ?
If you are discipling students using BQ, they should become great servants, leaders, and highly involved students in your kids/youth groups.
Your quizzers are world changers who will influence and connect with others.
Parent Questions
What does Bible Quiz offer my family?
- Bible Quiz offers a unique opportunity to connect with other like-minded families of faith. It also provides an opportunity for you to bond with your children while learning the Bible together. We have heard many stories from young adults about their fond memories of their Bible quiz experiences as a family.
- In many instances, Bible Quiz is parent-driven. There are many parents who connect with their children by coaching and officiating, in addition to those who accompany their children to competition.
- Competition is for the students, but parents are encouraged to memorize and learn right alongside them. Parents can even earn awards for memorization and discipleship.
What does Bible Quiz offer my son/daughter?
There is so much Bible Quiz offers, we will just list five specific things:
- College Scholarships. Thousands of dollars in scholarship money have been awarded to students because of their participation and achievement in Bible Quiz. Scholarships are available through the individual colleges and universities of the Assemblies of God, as well as through private scholarship grants.
- Skills in learning, critical thinking, problem solving, and time management. Students in Bible Quiz learn how to more effectively learn and memorize, as well as develop skills to apply what they learn in practical ways. Students who apply themselves to learning God’s Word in Bible Quiz consistently see improvement in other areas of learning, often seeing their GPA’s rise as they learn how to be more effective in their studies. Many Bible Quiz students have gone on to high level careers in law, mathematics, science, and business.
- Lifelong friendships. Competing with and against other students who take the Word of God seriously, while also taking seriously the command to love one another, develops friendships which are hard to find elsewhere.
- Awards and recognition. We love to award students for their efforts. Students can earn awards for memorization, meeting study goals, and more.
- A better understanding of God and what He has for them. We believe there is nothing greater than to know God. We believe this is our most basic Human Right. Bible Quiz students have the opportunity to spend several months learning, studying, and memorizing the very words of God. The benefits are eternal.
How much of a time commitment is this on our family?
- For quizzers, as little as 5 minutes of study per day is all that is required to get started.
- Teams typically meet once a week for 1-2 hours.
- The season begins with the first league match in September for JBQ and October for TBQ. The season ends at District Finals in April.
- Many teams start studying weekly when school starts, and it’s possible to quiz all the way to National Finals in June and July.
What can I expect from coaches in Bible Quiz?
Bible Quiz understands that for most participants and their families, the difference between a good experience and a bad experience is the coach. Bible Quiz coaches are encouraged to see the potential in every student and bring out the best in each one. A student’s success is not determined by wins and losses but how they convey the love of Christ to one another. Coaches uphold values such as a Christ-like attitude and lifestyle which serve as an example to participants. In most cases, coaches are parents just like you.
In other groups my teen has joined, they didn’t always get to participate very often. How is Bible Quiz different?
Bible Quiz is very participant-friendly with tons of opportunities to learn and grow in quiz. Students get lots of time on the buzzers during practice and at league meets. Every student has a chance to advance in quiz.
How can I find a team near me so I can enroll my teen?
Ask your Kids/Youth Pastor or Senior Pastor if there is a team in your church. If there is not, then encourage the formation of one.
What if our church doesn’t have a team?
We can help you get started. Contact Dan Anderson for more information.
How can I get involved?
Parents can help at weekly practices and as officials at league meets. Two officials are required per team. When families are involved, quizzers tend to advance more quickly and grow closer together.